In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, our staff are following Ministry of Health guidelines. They are aware of, and taking, the necessary hygiene precautions.
Should a staff member become unwell or know they have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for the virus, they will stay home and self-isolate for the required period of time.
It is also possible that movements of personnel between schools may add an extra element of risk. If any of our staff are concerned that the nature of their role places them at greater risk of exposure, their request to work from home will be granted. If, for similar reasons, schools place restrictions on visitors, our staff will understand.
Regardless of the circumstances, all Edtech staff are able to work remotely online from either our offices or from home. We can therefore provide assurance that there will be no impact on your accounting processes and no loss of continuity should we be unable to maintain our regular schedule of visits.