How do your school’s finances stack up?
If you’re a little uncertain as to where your school stands with their finances, or you have some questions, then please do contact us for a free financial health check.
We’ll use our experience working with schools to review your figures and look for any clear opportunities or areas for improvement.
As part of this check we will:
Benchmark your finances so you know how your school compares to other similar schools;
Clarify the extent of the reserves available for new building projects, capital purchases etc;
Ascertain how much working capital you should have;
Identify trends or figures in your finances that need your attention.
Prior to the review we will need to have a quick chat with you to get some background information and then, when we have prepared the report, we will take you through our key findings.
To take advantage of this free service, just enter your details in the form below and we’ll be in touch to get the process started.