Every year, we send out a short questionnaire to gather feedback on the quality of our service. We use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) approach, which allows us to easily compare our scores with those of previous years, as well as comparing them with published NZ NPS Industry Benchmarks for accounting service firms and a range of other businesses and services.
First, we must say a big “Thank you”! Nearly 250 individual participation requests were sent and 48% of you responded. Since we launched this short survey format in 2018, the level of response has consistently been high and provides a good representative sample of our clients.
Second, we are pleased to share that you scored us 65 on the NPS scale. This is nearly double the average score for accounting services in New Zealand (35) and reflects a steady increase over the last 6 years. Over 95% of you were satisfied or very satisfied with our services, with the remaining 5% being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.
What you liked most about Edtech was our responsiveness and availability, our knowledge and expertise, and our helpfulness. As always, He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! We could not achieve these results without our wonderful and dedicated staff, who go the extra mile to build great relationships with their kura.
Each year we take your feedback on board and work hard to meet and exceed your expectations. Over time you have noticed that we have raised both our level of responsiveness and the frequency of our outbound communications. We also now have higher reporting standards and we provide a greater range of training opportunities. So, please do keep answering our yearly survey, and we will keep striving to improve!